PHOTOART Workshops
In the spring of 2011, with funding and support from Specialist High Skills Major, Loyalist Collegiate Vocational Institute, Kingston Collegiate Vocational Institute and the Limestone District School Board I facilitated photography workshops at 2 schools - “PHOTOARTEXPERIENCE” with Grade 12 photography students from Kingston Collegiate and Loyalist Collegiate. Culminating activities included 2 large format posters, photo art cards, 2 hard cover art books featuring work and artist statements from all the students, and a student show and sale at a professional gallery.
To view the hard cover books of student portfolios: (KCVI Book) (LCVI Book)
(To preview books full screen, select PREVIEW BOOK on front cover of book and select View Fullscreen icon at bottom right of bar below book)

Kingston Collegiate PHOTOARTEXPERIENCE 2011 Art Cards

Kingston Collegiate PHOTOARTEXPERIENCE 2011 Class Poster

Loyalist Collegiate PHOTOARTEXPERIENCE 2011 Art Cards

Loyalist Collegiate PHOTOARTEXPERIENCE 2011 Class Poster